Pet transports rely on the commitment of time, money, and supplies. There are many ways to help in the rescue efforts. Here are a few ways you can get involved:
We need volunteers for every step of the rescue process. If you would like to go on the road, we need people who are able to help with the driving on the transport trips. Once we have returned from our rescue trips, we need help cleaning the kennels and preparing them for the next trip. Or, if you don’t live nearby, you can support our rescue network by volunteering with your local humane society.
Once the dogs have made it to the safety of our rescue network, they need a caring place to stay. We need loving people who can open their hearts and homes to these doggies and provide them with the foster care they need while they wait to find their forever families.
As a nonprofit organization, we rely entirely on donations to operate. Supplies such as food, bowls, kennels, towels, old tee shirts, and blankets are always appreciated. We also need cleaning supplies to sterilize the kennels after each trip. And of course, monetary donations are always needed to help cover the expenses associated with pet rescue.
Help us get the word out! Talk to your friends about getting involved. Get on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and share our story. Help us raise awareness by speaking up for these animals who are unable to speak for themselves!
If you would like to volunteer or donate supplies, please call (541) 606-4898. To make a monetary donation, please click the button at the top of this page.